Standards-hit councillors seeking re-election!

Some real and not stitched-up Standards cases:
Councillor Hall may benefit from training in media and interpersonal training and training in holding voluntary groups and public bodies to account” Decision Notice gov 008-039/ 442202 ( Link ),( Link )
Councillor Mrs Nickolay had failed to comply with Section 3(1) of the Code of Conduct which provided that Councillors must treat others with respect” ( Link ) “Councillor Mrs Nickolay should send the complainant a written apology” ( Link )
Independent Labour Group
“RESOLVED ( Link ): That Councillor William Stoodley

    1. breached Section 3(1) of the Code of Conduct by failing to treat the complainants with respect;
    2. breached Section 5 of the Code of Conduct in bringing the office of Councillor and the authority into disrepute in respect of one of the complaints
    3. be suspended from 9 March 2011 for a period of one month unless a letter of apology is sent to the relevant complainant before that date, the form of which to be to the satisfaction of the Monitoring Officer”

Further examples of the similarities between the Tory and Independent Labour groups characters!
In view of all this who could blame the voters who look for respect, integrity and professionalism and act accordingly!