Highlights of the short-lived Hall administration

While the Harrow council machinery was consistently used to promote the environment-specific egos, the iffy use of the council resources under the short-lived Tory administration remained obscured. Few of these we report below in the public interest:
Harrow Safer Neighbourhood Board appointments under Cllr Hall watch included what appeared to be her friends like Harrow chairman UKIP (also)this is now to be revisited

    • £15,000 wasted on a paper exercise to investigate the alleged racism at the council to please Independent Labour Group who asked for the enquiry that added nothing to what was already known
    • because of the political gains that the Tory group made and hoped for by fostering Independent Labour Group and using it to divide the Labour votes, the elected mayor-style minority Tory administration turned a blind eye to the ILG overspend (nearly £29,000) and let the ILG mayor ( Cllr Asante) overspend nearly £45,000 on public funds
    • Like now, in 2010 voters voted in Labour administration to run the council
    • In mid-2013, the breakaway Independent Labour Group, encouraged and supported by the Tory group, snatched the council administration from Labour because of what has been described as the personal grudge against some in the Labour group (which became highly toxic later)
    • Few months later, the Tory group grabbed the council administration with the support of the well groomed Independent Labour Group who voted in the Tory group through a highly controversial process which created the political mess (i.e. a hung council where both the Labour and Tory groups had 25 councillors each, and Tory minority administration was in place because of the 8 ILG councillors)

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