Project for Peace and Justice – cooperative approach for peace and socialism, more than what Labour opposition is doing

In announcing the project for the New Year, previous Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn MP said “We need solidarity beyond our borders and across communities to solve our common problems together.”
The Peace and Justice Project will work with labour and social movements, providing platforms to those campaigning for change for the many, not the few.
The project to bring people together for social and economic justice, peace, and human rights, in Britain and across the world, is widely welcomed, including by Harrow socialists.
“The peace and justice project is a very timely initiative. The world is in a parlous state and COVID19 has cast stark new light on the inequality and injustice surrounding us” said Harrow councillor Pamela Fitzpatrick, a leading founder of the Socialist Campaign Group of Labour Councillors.
“Jeremy Corbyn is a politician who is genuinely altruistic and has been a powerful campaigner for peace and justice for decades. I very much welcome this exciting initiative” she added.
The project aims to challenge the skewed distribution of wealth and power at home and overseas, and the ways it manifests including tax avoidance, privatisation, low pay, restrictions on workers’ rights and trade unions, and how economies are structured.
Other aims of the project include: drawing attention to issues including the arms trade, nuclear proliferation, military expansion and intervention, peace-building and human rights. Campaign for urgent action on the climate emergency.  To support movements for democracy and people’s right to self-determination across the world including in Palestine and the Middle East, Sri Lanka, Kashmir, and Latin America.
Strong feelings like those expressed by the Labour MP Richard Burgon about the Labour inadequacies in the Commons, highlight the need for counter initiatives like the Project.
[After a Commons vote where Labour MPs whipped by the leadership to abstain on the vote, Richard Burgan said: “disappointed that our party didn’t use its parliamentary weight to try to force concessions on sick pay. Had Labour threatened to vote against the package without proper sick pay, it could have won both public support and important extra support for those who need to isolate. Bold opposition to the government’s failing coronavirus strategy is certainly in the national interest – and the demand for proper sick pay should be at the core of our opposition over the coming months”]
The high profile project’s aims and objectives which feel like a political party manifesto, are  particularly valued at a time when many suspect that legally flawed ‘Labour antisemitism’ report enables Keir Starmer’s recent purge against Corbyn and rest of Labour left.
The Project reminds of the Co-operative Party formation on the reformist agenda which since 1927 has an electoral agreement with Labour Party.