CCG ‘unreasonable’ in seeking money re a Harrow development

Responding to the Statutory and Non-Statutory Consultation regarding a residential development in Harrow, Clinical Commissioning Group would like to seek a capital contribution of £62,650.
The application, reported to Planning Committee for granting the planning permission, relates to the development at the Citizen’s Advice Bureau (9 Station Road) and Harrow council Civic Car Park A, which extends along Milton Road.
The application site is within the Opportunity Area and forms part of an allocated site for the wider redevelopment of the Harrow Civic Centre.
This development is the apartment building with height ranging from 4 to 7 storeys, comprising 29 residential units and ten 3 storey townhouses.
The intention is to  offer these units to Harrow residents at Harrow income levels.
In responding to the CCG demand, the planning officer said, “Whilst the NHS seeks a capital contribution, no justification has been provided as to why a development of this scale and nature would be required to make a capital contribution towards the NHS. It is therefore considered to be unreasonable and disproportionate. Furthermore, Harrow Council is committed to using CIL* revenues and other funding sources to help deliver social, economic and environmental infrastructure to support and meet the demands arising from development.”
[*CIL is a levy that local authorities can choose to charge on new developments in their area. The money should be used to support development by funding infrastructure that the council, local community and neighbourhoods want]

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