‘People before politics’ says a Harrow council candidate

Independent candidate for Marlborough Ward in the Harrow council elections this May highlights that independent councillors represent the voice of residents, not the government or local political parties.
Nish Patel points out some weaknesses in the work of the council that can be helped, including?
The school street scheme went ahead even though only 4 percent responded.  [a School Street is a road outside a school with a temporary restriction on motorised traffic at school drop-off and pick-up times, but these in Harrow are thoughtlessly put in place].
Money wasted, as often good ideas are poorly processed. £2m pavement scam where a few council workers were sacked but those in higher positions who signed off on the plans continue without consequences.
The council is selling land to developers who are advertising this abroad for investment opportunities. Also, unaffordable homes being advertised to overseas buyers.
It has become a nightmare to contact the council with new online forms and links that loop round in circles without a telephone number, email or clear contact.
The last point is quite serious, as Harrow has a history of election losses by the ruling group on the council due to single-issue concerns.
Soon after winning the council in 2006, Conservatives lost the Harrow Weald by-election because the public rejected new bin collection arrangements under Cllr Susan Hall, portfolio holder for environment. Because of the same portfolio holder’s recklessness, Conservatives lost the council due to her arrogant implementation of CPZ (Controlled Parking Zone) in certain parts of the borough.

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