New Harrow mayor

JM2North Harrow ward councillor Janet Mote is the new Harrow mayor. Cllr Janet Mote was first elected as a Conservative councillor in 2002. Welcome!
She has held several positions of responsibility in the council. She is a former portfolio holder for Education and Schools, and was a Shadow Cabinet member. Not only that, but she serves on the Executive Committee of Harrow Heritage Trust, and is a governor at St. John Fisher Primary School.
Cllr Janet Mote is wife of late Cllr Chris mote who sadly passed away on July 29 last year. Cllr Chris Mote, deputy mayor under the last Conservative administration in 2009, was looking forward to becoming Harrow mayor in 2010, but then Conservatives lost the council, and he was not elected as mayor.
Congratulations to the now Harrow mayor to follow her late husband’s desire for the mayorship.
Harrow has a history of deputy mayors not to succeed to become mayor the following year because of the change in the council administration. This happened in 2006, 2010 and now in 2022!
Tory Cllr Ramji Chauhan has been appointed as the deputy mayor, who interestingly introduced himself as the ‘first Asian Gujarati Hindu appointed from the Conservatives as deputy mayor’!!

One thought on “New Harrow mayor

  1. Wow , quite a Conservative pair in the office of Mayor after what Harrow has been used to in the recent past !


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