Row over Harrow council logo redesign

Harrow council new administration priority to redesign the council logo has been challenged by the local Labour MP.
Harrow West MP Gareth Thomas has expressed concern: “Heard tonight that the first priority of the new Conservative leadership of Harrow Council is to change the council’s logo in the middle of a cost of living crisis, it beggars belief that this is even on their list’.
The council recent cabinet meeting gave the go ahead to commence work on redesigning the council logo, in order to create ‘better brand awareness with residents of the Council and its services’.
Strange that the MP rather than the council opposition leader Cllr David Perry has intervened.
Deputy leader of the council, councillor Marilyn Ashton was quick to respond: “In the best part of twelve years that Labour ran Harrow Council, Gareth Thomas MP said nothing about the excessively high council tax, inappropriate tower blocks ruining the views in Harrow, the out of control fly-tipping and the arrogant and dismissive attitude of the Labour Cabinet to anyone who had the temerity to complain. Pathetic”.
Harrow Council has defended its decision to redesign the council logo – claiming it will be at “zero cost” to taxpayers. The digital roll-out of the new logo will also be zero cost, and any roll out physically onto buildings, signage and vehicles would only take place as part of the natural replacement cycle when the new logo is chosen.
The plan for a new logo states this would be achieved by working with the local college and university, and the chosen design could be part of the students’ portfolio.
Councillor Paul Osborn, leader of the council, insists the change would not cost taxpayers.
But some residents are not convinced that the use of a new logo would be cost-free: ‘Shows a lack of understanding if Osborn thinks changing the logo on website, stationary and changing the design for vehicles, bins, uniforms will be no cost. Is this really what residents want!?’
Harrow Urban District formed in 1934 gained the status of municipal borough on 4 May 1954 and the urban district council became Harrow Borough Council. The council Admin HQ at the Civic Centre was incorporated on 1 April 1965.
The criteria to design a new logo are not clear, but the expectation is that it would reflect the Harrow profile.

One thought on “Row over Harrow council logo redesign

  1. Why don’t the morons concentrate on clearing the rubbish being deliberately dumped on the streets by the usual suspects (& fine them!) & filthy antisocial characters & drunken abusive thugs who not only disturb residents by cramming into multiple occupation properties rented out by unlicences rogue landlords, repairs vehicles in residential streets , block pavements & driveways with numerous vehicles but make as much noise as possible whenever they feel like & late into the night to annoy residents , let alone drive around in uninsured vehicles with no MOT or road tax! Not to forget dangerous e-scooters being ridden on pavements & roads without insurance!


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