One hour’s free parking not helping side street shops in some areas

ParkingMany side street shops around the Harrow town centre do not enjoy the full benefits of one hour’s free on-street parking, as the parking slots are taken by those using the town centre.
“My customers often don’t find the meter parking spaces because these are taken by those who go to the town centre which is a short walk or bus ride away from here” said a leading Pinner Road shopkeeper who did not wish to be named.
Similar comments were made by some shops on the Headstone Road and Station Road in Harrow.
From 1 August, one hour’s free parking is available from Pay & Display machines in the borough to give businesses the boost they need following the pandemic.
Before the last council elections, Conservatives promised one-hour free parking, both on the street and at the council public car parks.
However, after acquiring the council administration though they kept the promise of one hour’s free parking across high streets but have deferred free parking at the car parks, subject to the outcome of a feasibility study.
When enquired about one-hour free parking at the council public car parks, leader of the Council, Cllr Paul Osborn assured it is coming by the end of this year.
“While the software change at the street parking meters is easy, technical changes at the council public car parks need more time” Cllr Osborn explained.
Hopefully the one hour’s free parking at the council public car parks, when done, would lessen the use of the side street one hour’s free parking spaces by those who park there to use the Harrow town centre rather than the local shops.

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