5G phone mast in Harrow Weald strongly objected, call-in the planning application

mastLocal councillors and residents have strongly objected to the planning application for the installation of a 5G mast in proximity of residents, an old people’s home and a primary school at the junction of Wynchgate &  Wilsmere Drive, Harrow Weald.
The installation of the Street Pole will also need ancillary works, including the equipment cabinet, bowler cabinet and a transmission cabinet fitted.
Dozens of local residents are worried that this development would have a much greater impact on the wellbeing and health of the residents, the aesthetics of the area as well as the value of their properties. Objections have been raised individually and collectively.
“I personally have lived at my property for over 40 years and have never before been so frightened of anything so troubling happening in my road and which will have an adverse effect on me!!” said a distressed resident.
In their collective letter of objection, local councillors have said: “the siting and appearance of this proposed mast is inappropriate for this area, and would have a detrimental impact on local character and amenity.
“At 18m high, the height of a six-storey building, the proposed mast would tower above this local residential suburban area and be an eyesore.”
Following the residents’ alert that the International Commission (ICNIRP) guidelines are due to be revised and replaced this year, the councillors urge that “the ICNIRP exposure guidelines are rigorously adhered to in the assessment of this proposal, as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework, to ensure that local residents are fully protected and are not exposed to any harmful impacts”.
Harrow council needs to be mindful of the residents’ rights of legal proceedings. For example, costs of £13k were recently awarded against Brighton and Hove City council when they failed to address the health impacts of a proposed mast.

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