Harrow council workforce missing equality balance  

Harrow council needs to redress staffing imbalances, as the council’s recent Annual Workforce Equality Report identified over and under-representation at several levels.
The majority of the workforce is aged between 35-64 (76%), under-representation of 16-24 year olds (1.6%).
The workforce has more female (60%) than men (39%) but women in senior pay bands remains low, with men making up 64% of those within pay band 6.
An under-representation of Black, Asian and Multi-ethnic staff across the council (46%), though higher than other London boroughs.
Over 55% of the male workforce is white while 50% of the female workforce are from Black, Asian and Multi-ethnic communities, mostly in the lower pay bands, with the largest proportion coming from an Asian background (35%), compared to 42% of the female workforce that is white.
Declared disability status remains low (4.3%). The majority of staff declaring a disability are women (66%) compared to men.
There are also imbalances at the recruitment stages: more 25-36 year olds applied (25%) and were successful in 2020-21 (26%), compared with 45-54 year olds who had a higher success rate from application (14%) to appointment (24%), and 12% of applicants were aged 16-24 (12%) with a success rate of just 6%.
There was a higher rate of applicants from women (60%) compared to men (40%), with more female candidates being shortlisted for roles (60%) and 39% of male candidates. 65% of female candidates were successfully appointed to roles, compared to 35% of male candidates.
Around 69% of applicants were from a BAME background, compared to 28% who were white, however the success rate for BAME applicants is lower than whites, with 22% of BAME candidates being shortlisted for roles, compared to 25% of white candidates. Of this, 28% of successful appointments were from a BAME background, compared to 40% of white candidates.
The reported workforce is made up of 2,071 full time and part-time staff, excluding school staff.

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