Katie needs attention!


Katie, Harrow Town Centre icon, could do with restoration.
The landmark bronze sculpture called Skipping Katie is modelled on and named after the daughter of creator James Butler, 80, who won a public art commission held to mark the opening of newly-pedestrianised St Ann’s Road.
The statue was ceremonially unveiled in May 1987 by the then-Mayor of Harrow, Councillor Christine Bednell, who remained a Conservative ward councillor for Stanmore Park till 2018, and Jacques Vernier, the visiting mayor of Harrow ‘s twin town of Douai in France.
While the skipping Katie was removed for several months some years back when Station Road was improved by Harrow Council, a good restoration opportunity was missed.
Harrow prides itself in its environmental heritage, but in some cases seems to neglect maintenance.KT2

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