Harrow council should not be wasting public money on Ulez legal action

“I can’t believe Harrow Council are signing off £400,000 on lawyers. £400,000 could deliver a library for Harrow’s children, or they could even offer people payments towards scrapping polluting vehicles. Instead, they’re spending the money on trying to keep the air we breathe toxic” says Krupesh Hirani, the London assembly member for Brent and Harrow. (image from his tweet).
The Harrow council claims to be a council that puts residents first, and a borough that is clean and safe.
Harrow alongside with few other Tory London boroughs issued a “pre action” warning letter to Transport for London last month, threatening legal action if Sadiq Khan’s decision to expand the ultra-low emission zone, that includes Harrow, on August 29 is implemented.
Harrow council’s leaders are set to issue High Court proceedings by February 24 against London mayor Sadiq Khan.
They are prepared to spend up to £400,000 fighting the expansion of the Ulez at the time of the tight council budget, proposing an increase to council tax by 4.99% again.
A controversial member of the Tory group on the Harrow council, Councillor Hall, sits at the London assembly and misses no opportunity to attack Sadiq Khan!!

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