Sikhs demand apology from Blackman for his damning outburst

A widely circulated and supported petition asks the Harrow East MP Blackman to apologise to the UK Sikhs for labelling supporters of a Sikh Homeland as terrorists.
“On 23 March 2023, the Conservative MP for Harrow East Bob Blackman went on a tirade in the Commons by labelling followers for a Sikh homeland, Khalistan, of being hooligans, to Militants to terrorists within a space of 92 seconds” informs the petition.
“Scottish people, some of which who campaign for an Independent Scotland, or indeed the people of Ukraine, would be outraged if they were labelled with such rhetoric” points out the petition.
“Sikh people around the world are clearly emotional on the unlawful abduction of Sikh preacher Bhai Amritpal Singh of Punjab – on instruction by the Indian State” claims the petition.
The Sikh community has been widely highlighting their sufferings in India, including several protests in Britain, latest was at the Parliament Square on 25 the March 2023.
Protestors leaflet informs Indian government’s ‘draconian’ measures in Punjab in the form of “internet shutdown, search operations, police blockades, and deployment of paramilitary troops to have a prominent Sikh leader Amritpal Singh arrested and silenced”.
Blackman, who has seemingly calculated his votes and is known to exploit Gujarati nationalism for votes in Harrow, is a strong supporter of the divisive Indian prime minister Narendra Modi of the Gujarati background despite serious violations of human rights in India under his watch.
The Modi government has been notoriously thin-skinned about international criticism. Among those rebuked for speaking out are Greta Thunberg, the climate activist, and the singer Rihanna, who both expressed support for farmers protesting against Modi’s policies and who were subsequently the subject of a damning foreign ministry statement.
Sikh farmers played a major part in crushing the Modi government into repealing the then “3 New Farming Laws”.
Since Modi was elected in 2014, his right-wing Bharatiya Janata party (BJP) government has pursued Hindu-centric policies that are moving India away from its secular foundations. A recent House of Commons research briefing informs about the ‘Persecution of Christians and religious minorities in India’.
Human Rights Watch, in its 2019 report on India, claimed that “the government failed to properly enforce Supreme Court directives to prevent and investigate mob attacks, often led by BJP supporters, on religious minorities and other vulnerable communities”.
Despite all this and that harmoniously diverse Harrow could do well without such right-wing activities to divide the local community, Blackman plays the Modi card for political gain all the time: like, he defended Modi after a recent two parts BBC documentary India: the Modi Question that obtained access to a previously unseen and confidential UK government report produced after the 2002 Gujarat riots when Modi was the chief minister of Gujarat. The report found Modi responsible for the violence and described it as having the “hallmarks of ethnic cleansing”.
Many say Blackman is the most divisive MP that Harrow has ever seen.

One thought on “Sikhs demand apology from Blackman for his damning outburst

  1. Are these the same Khalistani terrorists who blew up an Air India 🇮🇳 plane over Ireland killing many innocent people a few years ago & recently vandalised the Indian High Commission building in London as they did in earlier years when mayor Sadick & the Police did nothing about it? Not to forget the vicious attack on an Indian army general who was visiting London ! So what wrong has Bobby done? Any! Hmm..


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