Cost of living crisis, Harrow TUC in action!

During their leafleting session at the Harrow Town Centre today (22/04/2023), the Harrow Trade Union Congress informed the public that the cost of living crisis is a regular feature in working people’s lives, including in Harrow.
“There are people in this country who work every day but because of ridiculously high rents, heating bills and poverty wages, can’t afford to heat their homes” informs the leaflet.
They are calling for an above-inflation pay rise for all workers currently in dispute, a fair rent act to stop landlords ‘sucking the life out of renters’, and the utilities (gas, water, electricity, rail etc) to be taken into public ownership.
They also pointed out that the Public Spaces Protector Order, like at the Harrow Town Centre, not only adversely impacts the basic right of civil protest and canvassing but is poorly organised.
The Harrow council website lacks information about how to apply for exemption. When applied, it takes too long to process the application and some ridiculous conditions attached which could be challenged.
Other community groups at the Town Centre at the time, like the Citizen’s Advice Bureau who had a table to seek volunteers, expressed similar experience when applying for the exemption.
Some other boroughs like Bromley have an explicit exemption for political, charitable and religious leaflets.

One thought on “Cost of living crisis, Harrow TUC in action!

  1. The Harrow Council Website is non user friendly , difficult to use & is an absolute waste of space & time & the Council should be aware of it!


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