Harrow council leader set to face ULEZ-violence backlash

ULLeader of the Harrow council, councillor Paul Osborn, who does not politically benefit from the Tory campaign against the extension of the Ultra Low Emission Zone, including to Harrow, comes under fire for being a part of the Facebook group where members celebrated the destruction of cameras policing the ULEZ.
For example, a comment read: “When politicians do not act on the wishes of the public, the public can and do turn against their rulers. In the UK we have been tolerant for too long.”
Transport for London has reported 96 allegations of criminal damage to ULEZ cameras.
Gareth Thomas, Labour MP for Harrow West, said: “The leader of Harrow council is… facilitating a platform through which criminality is being celebrated.
“For a public servant to give succour to those who commit or endorse vandalism is not only deeply irresponsible but outright dangerous.”
Cllr Osborn might be the administrator of the Facebook group, he is not the sort of person nor would have the time to monitor the group or moderate the comments on a day-to-day basis, condone violence and enjoy the hatful comments.
Campaign against the extension of ULEZ by the Tory held London councils was cleverly worked out and launched when Harrow councillor Susan Hall led the London Assembly Tory group.
Since then, she has stepped down as the leader of the group and is now hopeful for the Tory party candidacy for the London mayor election next year, hoping to gain from the resentment to the extension of the ULEZ so created.
Looks Cllr Osborn has been put under pressure to support the campaign because of the internal dynamics of the Tory group on the council – Cllr Osborn who had fought against Cllr Hall in the group leadership elections, is known to be less confrontational.
Harrow councillor Matthew Goodwin-Freeman, who strongly supports her ward colleague Cllr Hall for the nomination of Tory candidate for the London mayoralty, is a moderator in the group ‘Harrow say no to Ulez expansion’, and has updated the group rules. The offending posts have now been deleted.

One thought on “Harrow council leader set to face ULEZ-violence backlash

  1. Seems that the irresponsible Councillors should stick to community matters & commenting on singers & dancers in colourful costumes, chanting mantras & playing tennis & stay away from mischief !
    Trusting a poitician & opportunists ? Well!


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