A Harrow ex-chief executive charged for rape

ML2Michael Lockwood, 64, is accused of six counts of indecent assault and three counts of rape against a girl under 16.
The offences allegedly took place between October 1985 and March 1986, the Crown Prosecution Service said.
Lockwood, appointed by a Tory administration in 2007, was Harrow council chief executive until the end of 2013, when the position was eliminated by a short-term Tory administration under Cllr Hall, and again from 2015 after it was reinstituted by the Labour administration. But the relationships between Hall and Lockwood remained tense.
After the 2017 Grenfell Tower fire, he led recovery work and liaised with survivors and victims’ families.
He left the Harrow council when he was appointed director general of the newly formed Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) in 2018. Lockwood also chaired the IOPC Board, the majority of which is made up of Non-Executive Directors.
Under his watch, the IOPC handled the most serious complaints against police in England and Wales.
He left the IOPC last December after it emerged he was being investigated over a ‘historical allegation’.
More on Lockwood: https://harrowmonitoringgroup.uk/2022/12/04/harrow-council-ex-chief-in-national-headlines/

One thought on “A Harrow ex-chief executive charged for rape

  1. Disturbing news , dubious judgment , shocking & unfortunate choice of Harrow Council “leaders”! Hope proper precaution was taken by the ex CEO to avoid visits to the Maternity Ward after confinement!!


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