Harrow voters could have more options at elections!

There is a strong possibility of a new political party under Jeremy Corbyn in response to the increased public demand for one (thousands are signing a petition via @UKChange).
Sources close to Jeremy Corbyn have hinted that he’s ready to launch an entirely new political party based on an ‘anti-war movement’ and green issues.
Both main political parties – Labour and Tory – have defection as the Tories are facing a similar issue with Reform, the party led by Richard Tice.
On 15 December 2020, we predicted a new political party set up, following the launch of the Project for Peace and Justice – cooperative approach for peace and socialism, more than what Labour opposition is doing.
The Project reminded of the Co-operative Party formation on the reformist agenda, which since 1927 has an electoral agreement with Labour Party.
In welcoming the project, Pamela Fitzpatrick, who was a Labour councillor and parliamentary candidate in Harrow East, and is now a director of the project, had said: “Jeremy Corbyn is a politician who is genuinely altruistic and has been a powerful campaigner for peace and justice for decades. I very much welcome this exciting initiative”.
The new party could provide an option at the ballot boxes – well-known local candidates who actively address the community concerns regarding justice and equality locally, nationally and internationally.
In a quiet Harrow, public protests and demonstrations have been rare. But the increasing gap between how residents feel and what their MPs do regarding the matters like Israel and Palestine situation, has led to many public protests and social media expressions.
In considering the potential of a new political party that encapsulates the public’s changed mood, worth remembering the impact of the Referendum party on the general election outcomes in 1997 in the constituencies like Enfield Southgate and Harrow West, where sitting MPs lost.

One thought on “Harrow voters could have more options at elections!

  1. More polical parties of charlatans wanting to cling onto their MPs salaries & pension with no worries about any “cost of living ” crises as the suffering poor & needy of the UK form queues for the Food Banks while being taxed to death!
    Disgrace, as unable to feed & house the people of the UK but with money to spend on dodgy wars & more in the 21st century involving the corrupt neo nazis of Ukraine!
    Not to forget the billions (£) of irrecoverable Bad Debts apparently incurred through dodgy Finance Schemes during the Covid lockdown when overseas crooks & criminals disappeared while laughing with UK tax payers money in their pocket! Charming!


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