Harrow West MP on “injustice” faced by Palestinians

“I recognise that in Harrow there is deep distress at the ongoing appalling situation in Gaza and renewed anger at the injustice faced down the years by the Palestinian people” says Harrow West MP Gareth Thomas.
There have been public demonstrations outside his office in West Harrow as he opted not to vote at the Commons for the ceasefire in Gaza.
Harrow3Also, Tories have selected Abbas Merali their parliamentary candidate for Harrow West constituency from the community that Mr Thomas had relied upon for votes.
In a very recent email shot, he shares deep concerns about the situation in Gaza, where he sees the suffering “intolerable”, as “millions are displaced, desperate and hungry”.
“Israel continues to use devastating tactics that have seen far too many innocent civilians killed, with unacceptable blocks on essential aid, nowhere safe for civilians, a growing humanitarian catastrophe, and now warnings of a deadly famine” he says.
“I called on the UK Government to galvanise international support for the UN agencies working to help people in the Occupied Palestinian Territories” he informs.
Also, that he voted against the Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) Bill because in his view “it undermines support for a two-state solution, at a time when that goal is more important than ever”.
The Bill intends to prevent “public bodies when making decisions about procurement and investment from considering a country or territory of origin or other territorial considerations in a way that indicates political or moral disapproval of a foreign state.”
Mr Thomas welcomes the December 2023 UN Security Council vote, believing that “diplomacy is the only route to a lasting peace. Open-ended military action without a clear and desired political outcome is futile”.

One thought on “Harrow West MP on “injustice” faced by Palestinians

  1. Injustice, & does the civilised world not know it , has certainly been working over the years thanks to that Western country , a self proclaimed champion of Human Rights , Democracy, Freedom of Speech, Coup Specialists , Destabilers of Governmensts & starting Wars far away from home which it can never finish & then doing a runner while leaving behind chaos & misery with it’s well known western poodles lapping it all up & clapping!
    As for democracy?
    Well, the warloving geriatric scrotes of NATO & their backers ensure that the conflagration continues with new fertile battle-grounds far away from home to pound with missiles & to sow permanent hatred & discord in sections of the world population forever!


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