Harrow West independent in action

DSC_3418d“I’m fighting for a society based on need, not greed” said Pamela Fitzpatrick at the launch of her canvassing session for Harrow West.
Ms Fitzpatrick, a long-time socialist, well known community activist and a Harrow councillor (until 2022), is standing as an independent parliamentary candidate for Harrow West at the general election.
“I’m standing because the established parties have let ordinary people down”, said Ms Fitzpatrick and added “Labour and the Conservatives have become identical, both offering policies that will only benefit the rich”.
“As Starmer keeps telling us, he has changed the Labour Party. It is now unrecognisable as the Labour Party. Instead, it has changed to a party that cares little for democracy, is a safe home for Tories and one which supports war crimes” she has said.
Ms Fitzpatrick is likely to appeal the voters feed-up with Con-Lab converging politics.
She demands genuinely affordable housing, fully funded local services, green industrial revolution and justice for Palestine.
In a separate move, George Galloway who has established a branch of his Workers Party in Harrow East, has said that in Harrow West they will support Ms Fitzpatrick instead.

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