Harrow West independent kicks off election campaign

DSC_3418dSoon after the prime minister Sunak announced 4th July general election, Pamela Fitzpatrick independent parliamentary candidate for Harrow West, was quick to issue the following video statement:
I live and I work in Harrow. I was also a councillor here in Harrow West for eight years, but it’s particularly through my work at a legal centre which I set up 15 years ago, a charity which gives free legal advice to local people, that I see the real issues that are impacting on people.
Whether that’s housing, whether it’s the education issues for their children, it’s poverty, problems with benefits and disability benefits or immigration issues.
And what I’ve seen over the last quarter of a century is that whoever’s been in government, things haven’t got better.
We’ve been failed by our politicians and I think people are moving away from the kind of two-party system, they’ve recognised that it’s not acting in the interest of the community.
We have tower blocks being put up all across Harrow, and these tower blocks would be fine if it dealt with our housing crisis, but it doesn’t.
What we found is that these properties, big ugly tower blocks, are too expensive for most ordinary people to live in.
I have watched with horror what’s unfolding in Gaza and that impacts on so many local people because Harrow is such a diverse area.
I have joined the local protests, I have joined the national protests and I have seen the people coming together of all nationalities, of all religions, peacefully protesting and demanding an end to the violence.
Pamela Fitzpatrick ended her statement with an appeal: “If you want somebody who’s going to try to create a society based on the needs of the community rather than the greed of a few, please join my campaign”.

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