Harrow West Tory candidate ‘restoring pride back into Harrow’!

Abbas Merali’s recent long-worded glossy leaflet highlights his ‘campaign to restore pride back into Harrow’ but is not convincing.
His proclamation seems to be somewhat puzzling, as neither the Harrow council Conservative administration nor the Harrow East Tory MP have indicated that Harrow has lost its pride and needs restoration.
In any case, if Harrow has failed to retain its socio-cultural and environment pride, why Mr Merali and not the existing decision-maker Harrow Conservatives are ‘restoring’ Harrow pride?
Very fresh in the memory is a similar catching phrase by the illusive Tory London mayor candidate, also a Harrow councillor, to ‘deliver the change London needs’ which was badly rejected by the voters.
Mr Merali claims ‘standing up for our community’ and is saying whatever it takes to please places of worship and some in his community but his six points descriptors in the public leaflet, seemingly taken from a Tory vetted political phrases bank, say nothing about this community’s concerns or the poverty in Harrow or the people hit by the government socio-economic policies:
[according to the Census 2021: 31% of children in the borough lived in households with an income of less than 60% the UK median after housing costs have been subtracted in 2021/22, and, in Harrow, 19.6% of residents were estimated to be earning below the Living Wage in 2023]
On the other hand, it can only be good that at least one Harrow parliamentary candidate, Pamela Fitzpatrick, independent candidate for Harrow West, demands to increase the minimum wage to at least £15/hour – to abolish work capability assessments, the two-child limit and benefit cap – and restore the national council tax benefit scheme.
What Ms Fitzpatrick demands makes good sense in view of the Labour and Tories playing with the financial plight of the families like Tory claims and Labour disputes that Labour will cost working families £2,094 more in taxes.
Because of all this, difficult to confront those who say: ‘we are tired of the Tories but now feel can’t trust Labour’.

4 thoughts on “Harrow West Tory candidate ‘restoring pride back into Harrow’!

  1. Seems that some candidates of political parties have suddenly woken to the concept of Pride in Harrow having forgotten the disastrous years & debacle of recent abominations & living torture rained down on the Residents by incompetents who clung onto power with their Clownish & Circus antics with no regard for people & continue to spout unadulterated rubbish as if possessed by the Devil himself & continue to rub their hands with glee!


  2. Political candidates should remember that “throwing stones around in glass houses ” & projecting a ” holier than thought attitude ” is not a good idea as indiscreet & lustful activities of haunting dodgy establishments might surface to bite them hard in the axx!

    So, pontificating on moral or other related issues is best avoided!


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