‘Tory sacking comes back to bite them’

In response to a Tory councillor letter ‘Does Harrow need a chief executive’, Harrow Observer has published our letter ‘Tory sacking comes back to bite them’ (5/12/14) which articulates that the councillor’s letter simply shows the frustration about the return of the chief executive’s post, mostly felt by the leader of his group. Good thatContinue reading “‘Tory sacking comes back to bite them’”

Petition against Hall exceeds 500 mark

The lead petitioner Leigh Pickett informs that the petition asking the LFEPA (London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority) and Harrow Council to hold Councillor Hall accountable for the offensive and inexcusable comments made on Twitter (below) about Gemma Collins during her appearance on ITV’s I’m A Celebrity, has now passed the 500 signature mark. CouncillorContinue reading “Petition against Hall exceeds 500 mark”

How well your GP practice doing

Following the Ofsted success in evaluating and league-tabling the performance of the providers for children’s welfare, care and education, now some NHS providers are inspected and their performance being made public to set competition for ‘customers’ (patients). Recent is the Intelligent Monitoring of GP practices by the Care Quality Commission – click for Harrow GPContinue reading “How well your GP practice doing”

Another blow for Hall

Good that the Labour administration has decided to restore the role of chief executive and are to reappoint the popular council chief executive Michael Lockwood, forced out by the short-lived Tory administration. This is yet another defeat for the Harrow opposition leader who has been repeatedly leading her Tory group to defeats (Councils in 2010Continue reading “Another blow for Hall”

Blackman investigated!

The Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority has opened an investigation into the expenses claimed by MP for Harrow East Blackman. Out of the total of £178,771.14 expenses, the MP had spent £149,054.13 on staffing, including the salary of £30,000-34,999.99 for his wife, the office manager of unknown formal qualification for the post. Mr Blackman is wellContinue reading “Blackman investigated!”

Sour grapes!

Sad that Tory opposition shows no sense that they have failed to gain legitimate control of the Council, and also their leader fails to demonstrate that she accepts the will of the people who did not want Cllr Hall to be leader of the Council. Instead of the above, there is a trail of sourContinue reading “Sour grapes!”

Blackman could endanger communal relationships!

Concerns are mounting that while Harrow East MP Blackman happily uses diversity loaded foot-soldiers at the doorsteps, he not only shows a lack of democratic sense to represent all his constituents but also uses sensitive international situations to generate political support from the selected communities by siding with the state of affairs concerned in anContinue reading “Blackman could endanger communal relationships!”

Harrow strike for fair pay condemned by Tory opposition

Like at many other places, Harrow strike, a part of a co-ordinated day of action by public service unions, has been well noted. People in Harrow value local public services and they don’t want to see those that provide them struggling to make ends meet to feed and clothe their families. Harrow’s position matches aContinue reading “Harrow strike for fair pay condemned by Tory opposition”