Harrow West Tory candidate ‘restoring pride back into Harrow’!

Abbas Merali’s recent long-worded glossy leaflet highlights his ‘campaign to restore pride back into Harrow’ but is not convincing. His proclamation seems to be somewhat puzzling, as neither the Harrow council Conservative administration nor the Harrow East Tory MP have indicated that Harrow has lost its pride and needs restoration. In any case, if HarrowContinue reading “Harrow West Tory candidate ‘restoring pride back into Harrow’!”

Harrow West independent kicks off election campaign

Soon after the prime minister Sunak announced 4th July general election, Pamela Fitzpatrick independent parliamentary candidate for Harrow West, was quick to issue the following video statement:I live and I work in Harrow. I was also a councillor here in Harrow West for eight years, but it’s particularly through my work at a legal centreContinue reading “Harrow West independent kicks off election campaign”

Harrow West independent in action

“I’m fighting for a society based on need, not greed” said Pamela Fitzpatrick at the launch of her canvassing session for Harrow West. Ms Fitzpatrick, a long-time socialist, well known community activist and a Harrow councillor (until 2022), is standing as an independent parliamentary candidate for Harrow West at the general election. “I’m standing becauseContinue reading “Harrow West independent in action”

Would Susan Hall be rejected by Londoners?

Anyone who knows Susan Hall, a Harrow councillor and non-elected London Assembly member, would find it difficult to disagree with councillor Susan Hall’s long-term associate Barry Macleod-Cullinane’s defection. By now Sadiq Khan is seen as a victim of the nasty campaign, based on scaremongering and lies, because who he is. Mr Macleod-Cullinane’s disassociation with CllrContinue reading “Would Susan Hall be rejected by Londoners?”

Independent parliamentary candidate for Harrow West

Pamela Fitzpatrick, a committed activist for social and economic justice, peace, and human rights in Harrow and beyond, is standing as an independent parliamentary candidate for Harrow West. “I will always stand up for the people of Harrow West” says Ms Fitzpatrick, a member of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and a director of the PeaceContinue reading “Independent parliamentary candidate for Harrow West”

Hall’s misleading election leaflet reported

Having heard local concerns, the Harrow Monitoring Group has reported a recent leaflet from the Tory London Mayor candidate Susan Hall, also a Harrow councillor, to the appropriate bodies. Received through the letter box, the A5 leaflet has the eye grabbing words “DRIVING CHARGE NOTICE”, “DO NOT IGNORE” “WARNING” in large font against a yellowContinue reading “Hall’s misleading election leaflet reported”

Sadiq Khan launches re-election campaign with pledge for more homes

After launching his re-election campaign today (18 March), London mayor Sadiq Khan said: “Today – in my first major pledge of the Mayoral election campaign – I’ve committed to delivering at least 40,000 new council homes in London by the end of the decade”. Mr Khan branded it the “greatest council homebuilding drive in aContinue reading “Sadiq Khan launches re-election campaign with pledge for more homes”

Council Serious Violence Strategy – a mixed picture!

In meeting their statutory duty, the Harrow council has worked out the draft Serious Violence Strategy report that is before the forthcoming cabinet meeting. The council will receive £79,000 over three years for discharging the Serious Violence Strategy and delivering the priorities within it, including to reduce Serious Violent Crime with young people below theContinue reading “Council Serious Violence Strategy – a mixed picture!”

Ex-Labour stands for Harrow West

Pamela Fitzpatrick, a “proud socialist, trade unionist and mum” will be standing as an independent parliamentary candidate in Harrow West at the next general election. She says she is standing because being tired of “corruption, hypocrisy and injustice” and that “at a time when it is so desperately needed, we no longer have a LabourContinue reading “Ex-Labour stands for Harrow West”