Thomas struggling for political recovery

In an email shot after voting for Labour amended* Gaza ceasefire motion at the chaotic Commons debate about the war in Gaza last Wednesday, Gareth Thomas, MP for Harrow West, said: “I will continue to use my voice to call for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire to end the bloodshed and suffering and to allow aContinue reading “Thomas struggling for political recovery”

Harrow happy hunting ground for politics!

The Labour catching phrase ‘immediate and permanent ceasefire’ to the fighting in Palestine after thousands killed, and now repeated by Harrow West MP Gareth Thomas, seems to be catching up! Palestine-Israel situation is a significant public concern, including in Harrow as indicated by a number of demonstrations calling for an end to the fight. TheContinue reading “Harrow happy hunting ground for politics!”

Harrow not building adequate affordable homes

Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities figures show 233 affordable homes were completed in Harrow in 2022-23 – down from 414 during the same period the year before, despite numbers rising across England. Social rental properties are for low-income families and typically cost about 50% of market rents, while affordable housing is provided toContinue reading “Harrow not building adequate affordable homes”

Harrow West MP on “injustice” faced by Palestinians

“I recognise that in Harrow there is deep distress at the ongoing appalling situation in Gaza and renewed anger at the injustice faced down the years by the Palestinian people” says Harrow West MP Gareth Thomas. There have been public demonstrations outside his office in West Harrow as he opted not to vote at theContinue reading “Harrow West MP on “injustice” faced by Palestinians”

Another past Harrow mayor passed away

Long-time Harrow councillor and a graceful Harrow mayor John Nickolay has passed away yesterday (9/01/2024). Cllr John Nickolay, 88, actively participated in the work of the council, including the traffic and transport work. He served as the borough’s mayor in 2008/09 where he attended well over 500 events and told the Harrow Times he hasContinue reading “Another past Harrow mayor passed away”

Harrow voters could have more options at elections!

There is a strong possibility of a new political party under Jeremy Corbyn in response to the increased public demand for one (thousands are signing a petition via @UKChange). Sources close to Jeremy Corbyn have hinted that he’s ready to launch an entirely new political party based on an ‘anti-war movement’ and green issues. BothContinue reading “Harrow voters could have more options at elections!”

Infrastructure delivery plan has wider scope

Harrow council Planning Policy Advisory Panel, under Cllr Marilyn Ashton who is also the chair of the council’s planning committee, advises the council cabinet on various planning matters, including the infrastructure issues due to the developments in the borough. The National Planning Policy Framework sets out the responsibility of local planning authorities to identify andContinue reading “Infrastructure delivery plan has wider scope”

Harrow follows the national trend to hold politicians to account!

In a quiet Harrow, public protests and demonstrations have been rare. But the increasing gap between what residents feel and what their elected or potentially elected representative do regarding the matters like what has been happening in Israel and Palestine, has led to public protests and social media expressions.November 4 – protestors who feel forContinue reading “Harrow follows the national trend to hold politicians to account!”

Public money wasted on unsuccessful judicial reviews

A judicial review, to overturn the acquittal of two protesters who called Tory MP Iain Duncan Smith “Tory scum” outside the Conservative party conference in 2021, has been unsuccessful. The high court ruled that the protesters were “reasonable” as the use of Tory scum was to highlight the policies of the MP and was relevantContinue reading “Public money wasted on unsuccessful judicial reviews”

Harrow Community Safety Strategy – a mixed picture!

Given the increased stabbings in Harrow and the probing question ‘why’, Harrow council Harrow Community Safety Strategy (2023 – 2026) becomes of specific interest. The strategy informs that from December 2021 to December 2022, the number of notifiable offences in Harrow increased by 2.6% including knife crime increased by 24.1%  (cases reported in 2023 mightContinue reading “Harrow Community Safety Strategy – a mixed picture!”