Highlights of the short-lived Hall administration

While the Harrow council machinery was consistently used to promote the environment-specific egos, the iffy use of the council resources under the short-lived Tory administration remained obscured. Few of these we report below in the public interest: Harrow Safer Neighbourhood Board appointments under Cllr Hall watch included what appeared to be her friends like HarrowContinue reading “Highlights of the short-lived Hall administration”

Standards-hit councillors seeking re-election!

Some real and not stitched-up Standards cases: Conservatives “Councillor Hall may benefit from training in media and interpersonal training and training in holding voluntary groups and public bodies to account” Decision Notice gov 008-039/ 442202 ( Link ),( Link ) “Councillor Mrs Nickolay had failed to comply with Section 3(1) of the Code of ConductContinue reading “Standards-hit councillors seeking re-election!”

ILG foot-soldiers deployment decided by Tory leader?

It appears that the exact number (47) of the Independent Labour Group (ILG) candidates and their placement were known to the Tory group leadership well in advance – considering the close relationship between the real driver for the ILG and the Tory group leader, it is very likely that the ILG was directed to strategically placeContinue reading “ILG foot-soldiers deployment decided by Tory leader?”

Our officers!

Husain Akhtar, political analyst and researcher for the Harrow Monitoring Group, is a long-standing community activist – retired inspector of schools (Ofsted), former GP assessor and a Harrow councillor (2007-14). He has been living in Harrow for more than 40 years. Dr Pravin shah, coordinator for the Harrow Monitoring Group is a retired Local GovernmentContinue reading “Our officers!”

Racism, what racism?

For those interested in knowing about the dynamics of racism, Harrow presents a good study: “Harrow Council left with no party in control amid racism row”?” – BBC A local newspaper reported that members of Harrow Borough Council’s Independent Labour group at their press conference (last May) claimed there is ‘institutional racism’ within the authority’sContinue reading “Racism, what racism?”

Tory budget defeat

Speaking at the Harrow council’s budget meeting on 27 February 2014, independent councillor Husain Akhtar said. The last budget (Labour) was voted in because it showed some considerations for the borough’s profile emerging from the 2011 census, particularly in terms of the age groups and deprivation factor. Since then because of the political mess createdContinue reading “Tory budget defeat”