Re-do Harrow Safer Neighbourhood Board (HSNB)

We have asked the new council administration to revisit the appointment of the Harrow Safer Neighbourhood Board because of the concerns about the nature of the board and the way board appointments were made by the short-lived Tory administration!
An interview panel led by Councillor Hall and made up of a former Borough Commander for Harrow and a Harrow council service manager, appointed the board members, closely known to Cllr Hall.
Concerns include:
    • the appointment panel did not adequately reflect the Harrow’s socio-political reality
    • the appointees to the board were no strangers to Cllr Hall and included some friends like the Harrow chairman UKIP (also)
    • no information about who else applied for but were not selected and why?
    • not being elected, who the board members are accountable to?
    • although the SNB would meet in public, it would not be the public meetings in the sense that contributions could be accepted from the public
    • with no statutory powers or delegated authority, Harrow SNB is a toothless mechanism for local engagement value for money?

We believe it would be professionally sound for the new council to double check that the board appointments are fair and secure, and to ensure that the SNB is an open body, well placed to robustly serve its purpose which is to:

  • ensure communities are more closely involved in problem solving and crime prevention;
  • achieve greater coherence between different engagement mechanisms e.g. ward panels, Independent Advisory Groups, Neighbourhood Watch and Stop and Search Community Monitoring Groups, so as to provide greater public accountability in policing and crime reduction; and
  • make more efficient use of resources to deliver value for money and target funds at issues of local concern and crime prevention

Highlights of the short-lived Hall administration

While the Harrow council machinery was consistently used to promote the environment-specific egos, the iffy use of the council resources under the short-lived Tory administration remained obscured. Few of these we report below in the public interest:
Harrow Safer Neighbourhood Board appointments under Cllr Hall watch included what appeared to be her friends like Harrow chairman UKIP (also)this is now to be revisited

    • £15,000 wasted on a paper exercise to investigate the alleged racism at the council to please Independent Labour Group who asked for the enquiry that added nothing to what was already known
    • because of the political gains that the Tory group made and hoped for by fostering Independent Labour Group and using it to divide the Labour votes, the elected mayor-style minority Tory administration turned a blind eye to the ILG overspend (nearly £29,000) and let the ILG mayor ( Cllr Asante) overspend nearly £45,000 on public funds
    • Like now, in 2010 voters voted in Labour administration to run the council
    • In mid-2013, the breakaway Independent Labour Group, encouraged and supported by the Tory group, snatched the council administration from Labour because of what has been described as the personal grudge against some in the Labour group (which became highly toxic later)
    • Few months later, the Tory group grabbed the council administration with the support of the well groomed Independent Labour Group who voted in the Tory group through a highly controversial process which created the political mess (i.e. a hung council where both the Labour and Tory groups had 25 councillors each, and Tory minority administration was in place because of the 8 ILG councillors)

Political immaturity!

Update: Figures speak louder.
Those defeated in Harrow are superficially boosting the election figures: the statistical fact is that the Independent Labour Group (ILG) average vote in the wards they contested is only 3.5 per cent compared with Labour’s 16 per cent steady average in 12 wards while Tory 18 percent only in 9 wards mainly because of its six strong wards, giving them 1 per cent lead across the borough!
But as Tories have majority support only in 9 out of 21 wards compared with Labour support in 12 wards, Labour share of votes carries more weight!

Harrow Monitoring Group formed
The M&W Independents team, now leading the Harrow Monitoring Group (HMG), has regularly exposed, analysed and reported the political mess created by the Tory group and Independent Labour Group (ILG) in Harrow and the consequences of their ill doings for the residents – and that a vote for ILG, is a vote for the Tory group. Our professional and analytical work has been noted and widely appreciated by public, and both of these groups have been rightly and heavily punished at the ballot-box.
We congratulate Cllr Perry for leading his group to victory despite a series of setbacks. Perhaps the group would now evaluate the events in the last year to see how things could be improved, both in terms of its as well as the council’s work!
We also congratulate Cllr Hall for leading her group to defeat which looks more miserable considering the Tory heavy weights visiting Harrow in a show of support to her and the ILG doing whatever they could do to divide the Labour vote.

Political immaturity
Like misjudging her support at the council and bringing her budget to the council early this year and got it defeated, Cllr Hall failed to sense that Harrow residents have no desire for an elected-mayor style council administration.
During its short-lived council administration, the Tory group leadership showed environment-specific ego to rule Harrow at the cost of education, health, social care, housing and communication services which are already not good enough compared with other similar London councils in many respects. What also did not help was the ‘culture of fear’ developed at the civic centre, marked by the resignation of the chief executive, followed by some key directors leaving – officers only appeared to be able to do what they were told to do.
We are not aware of anyone in Hall’s group to challenge her leadership and therefore she would remain as a leader of her group by default.
The wiped out Independent Labour Group (ILG) totally underestimated the maturity of the voters and their voting power and failed to sense the backlash to its political vindictiveness in a democratic system. Labour was seen as a victim where they won despite comparatively low turnout.
Like what the Tories did to the miners, the Labour in Harrow was divided by supporting the formation of the breakaway ILG which not only controversially voted in minority Tory administration but tried hard to divide the Labour votes to benefit Tory group at the May election by using the personalised votes of its candidates, predominantly Asians or Muslims. But this didn’t work!
As the exact number (47) of the ILG candidates and their placements were known to the Tory group leader well in advance due to the closeness between her and the ILG lead councillors, it is very likely that the Tory group leader had directed ILG to strategically place its troops to best safeguard Tory seats. But this didn’t work either!


  • Like now, in 2010 voters voted in Labour administration to run the council
  • In mid-2013, the breakaway Independent Labour Group, encouraged and supported by the Tory group, snatched the council administration from Labour because of what has been described as the personal grudge against some in the Labour group (which became highly toxic later)
  • Few months later, the Tory group grabbed the council administration with the support of the well groomed Independent Labour Group who voted in the Tory group through a highly controversial process which created the political mess (i.e. a hung council where both the Labour and Tory groups had 25 councillors each, and Tory minority administration was in place because of the 8 ILG councillors)

Standards-hit councillors seeking re-election!

Some real and not stitched-up Standards cases:
Councillor Hall may benefit from training in media and interpersonal training and training in holding voluntary groups and public bodies to account” Decision Notice gov 008-039/ 442202 ( Link ),( Link )
Councillor Mrs Nickolay had failed to comply with Section 3(1) of the Code of Conduct which provided that Councillors must treat others with respect” ( Link ) “Councillor Mrs Nickolay should send the complainant a written apology” ( Link )
Independent Labour Group
“RESOLVED ( Link ): That Councillor William Stoodley

    1. breached Section 3(1) of the Code of Conduct by failing to treat the complainants with respect;
    2. breached Section 5 of the Code of Conduct in bringing the office of Councillor and the authority into disrepute in respect of one of the complaints
    3. be suspended from 9 March 2011 for a period of one month unless a letter of apology is sent to the relevant complainant before that date, the form of which to be to the satisfaction of the Monitoring Officer”

Further examples of the similarities between the Tory and Independent Labour groups characters!
In view of all this who could blame the voters who look for respect, integrity and professionalism and act accordingly!

ILG foot-soldiers deployment decided by Tory leader?

It appears that the exact number (47) of the Independent Labour Group (ILG) candidates and their placement were known to the Tory group leadership well in advance – considering the close relationship between the real driver for the ILG and the Tory group leader, it is very likely that the ILG was directed to strategically place its troops to safeguard Tory group seats. After all, obvious function of the ILG foot-soldiers seems to be to divide the Tory opposition votes and make ground for the Tory group gains.
Classic example is the Harrow Weald Ward where three ILG Muslim candidates have been placed who have no hope whatsoever to win but are most likely to divide the possible Muslim votes to the Liberal Democrat who are a real threat, especially to a Tory leader’s favourite!
Like what was done to the miners, the Labour in Harrow has been divided by supporting the formation of the breakaway Independent Labour Group which is all set to divide the Labour votes to benefit Tory group at the May election.
In view of all this, our analysis remains that a vote for Independent Labour Group, is a vote for Tory group, especially in view of the history below:

    • In 2010 voters voted in Labour administration to run the council
    • In mid-2013, the breakaway Independent Labour Group, encouraged and supported by the Tory group, snatched the council administration from Labour because of what has been described as the personal grudge against some in the Labour group (which became highly toxic later)
    • Few months later, the Tory group grabbed the council administration with the support of the well groomed Independent Labour Group who voted in the Tory group through a highly controversial process which has created the present political mess (i.e. a hung council where both the Labour and Tory groups have 25 councillors each, and Tory minority administration is in place because of the 8 ILG councillors)
    • Council chief executive resigned and Harrow residents finished up with an elected-mayor style Tory administration with unsure and insecure leadership

Our officers!

Husain Akhtar, political analyst and researcher for the Harrow Monitoring Group, is a long-standing community activist – retired inspector of schools (Ofsted), former GP assessor and a Harrow councillor (2007-14). He has been living in Harrow for more than 40 years.
Dr Pravin shah, coordinator for the Harrow Monitoring Group is a retired Local Government Officer, former Harrow councillor, a Justice of the Peace and long-standing community activist. He has been living in Harrow for more than 40 years.

Surprise, surprise, surprise!

No institutional racism at the Harrow Council, says a well predicted report written by the former Asian Harrow police chief!
He was appointed by the council to investigate the allegations of racism at the council, primarily prompted by the Independent Labour Group, but within the framework of the terms of reference defined for him by the council!
We have previously questioned how an investigation could be “independent” if the political arm of the body that has been accused of racism sets the terms of reference and appoints an investigator of its choice on behalf of the body!
An ILG letter published on 27/3/2014 argued that his appointment will be neither independent nor professional.
We on this site have previously alerted that the language of the terms of reference and confusions within are enough to indicate that whatever is going to be built on a problematic base, is going to be problematic.
Back in January, our Wealdstone candidate Councillor Husain Akhtar professionally predicted the outcome of the well staged institutional investigation in terms of: “Although there has been some political instability recently and few feel that they have been discriminated in some instances, mostly political, there is no evidence that the council as a body is institutionally racist” – how true he was!
A serious question was also raised at the time: “Should we really continue with this doomed investigation and waste significant public money?”” –
We believe that public money has been wasted in this case.

Racism, what racism?

For those interested in knowing about the dynamics of racism, Harrow presents a good study:

    • “Harrow Council left with no party in control amid racism row”?” – BBC
    • A local newspaper reported that members of Harrow Borough Council’s Independent Labour group at their press conference (last May) claimed there is ‘institutional racism’ within the authority’s Labour group – Harrow Times
    • Previous chief executive wrote, “Separately complaints have been made in the press by the ILG (Independent Labour Group) about institutional racism”
    • At the Council meeting in November last year, leader of the council announced an independent investigation into an allegation of racism – the above bullet points indicate how ‘institutional racism’ has been perceived and therefore the willingness for the investigation is understandable
    • At the Harrow Council’s cabinet meeting last January, an update regarding the pending investigation into alleged institutional racism at Harrow Council was demanded

This March an announcement has been made that an investigation into alleged racism within Harrow Borough Council will be investigated by an Asian police officer, previously borough commander in Harrow
In setting the background of ‘a Review into Institutional Racism Complaints’, the terms of reference for the review say ‘Harrow Council is aware that a number of members of its staff and some elected members, have made allegations of potentially discriminatory behaviour, based upon their race’ – i.e. racism = ‘discrimination’; also the heading of the investigation is “a Review into Institutional Racism Complaints at Harrow Council”.
The English language is quite specific about ‘racism’, ‘discrimination’, ‘review’ and ‘investigation’!
The language of the terms of reference and confusions within are enough to indicate that whatever is going to be built on a problematic base, is going to be problematic.
Also, such is the understanding of the institutional racism that the terms of reference say “not to cover Councillor complaints about other Councillors”, ignoring the fact that the councillor to councillor complaints are embedded within the structure and workings of the council and are covered through the Standards procedures which are progressed and implemented by the council, as an institution – can the council process be guaranteed not to harass and victimise?
We heard a councillor describing her experience of the Council processes as “use of Standards Committee where racial and gender stereotyping was used in the description of my conduct””.
Another case in point is the disrespect shown to the first African mayor at the new council meeting last year – we are not aware of any Standards action against those responsible for such an act.
We would not describe any officers “lousy”, as the ILG leader has said, but if someone says that there is a culture of fear after how the previous chief executive left, we might sympathise with that”.
We sympathise with the investigator who has to carry out such an institutionally defined and discredited ‘‘review’, especially in view of the ILG letter published last week (27.3.2014) that argues that his appointment will be neither independent nor professional.
The minority Tory administration had previously said that investigation into the allegations of racism at the council would be “independent””, most probably to keep the Independent Labour Group happy who keep the controversially installed leader of the council in power.
How an investigation could be “independent”” if the political arm of the body that has been accused of racism sets the terms of reference and appoints an investigator of its choice on behalf of the body! Experience tells that transparency, perception of fairness and credibility are crucial in addressing any dynamics of racism, which seem to be lacking in this case.
Many think that this ‘review’, close to the May council election, is no more than a pre-determined illusion to claim fairness and care for the diversity in the borough!

Hypocrisy of the ‘Fairtrade’!

Unlike those who gain publicity through Fairtrade, we have the integrity to address why unfair trade!
Councillor Husain Akhtar writes:
Unfortunately the Fairtrade is cleverly used as a high profile opportunity to show a surface feel for the diversity and empathy for the developing countries by touching on the effects rather than addressing the cause such as unfair tariff or import quota.
In Harrow, many in the two wards are really concerned about the socio-economic plight of the developing countries and have no desire for the superficial ‘fairtrade’ or ‘socialist’ markers.
Fairtrade is about more than trade. It is a test of the credibility of the World Trade Organisation, and its ability to deliver on its promises to developing countries to liberalize trade and secure a fair system of trade rules and practices.
Cotton is a prime example where rich countries’ trade policies depress world prices and cut into the livelihood of millions in developing countries (since cotton is a labour-intensive business) leading to a situation where, for example, the entire GDP of Burkina Faso, where 2 million people depend on growing cotton, is lower than subsidies that US cotton farmers benefit from.
Therefore, the ‘fairtrade’ should not just be promoting the goods and materials produced in the developing countries but must have the capacity to address some of the following issues:
    • Creating Opportunities for Economically Disadvantaged Producers – poverty reduction through trade forms and terms and by enabling producers to move from income insecurity and poverty to economic self-sufficiency and ownership
    • Transparency and Accountability – in management and commercial relations, being accountable to all stakeholders
    • Fair Trading Practices – recognizing the financial disadvantages producers and suppliers face
    • Payment of a Fair Price – that has been mutually agreed by all through dialogue and participation
    • Ensuring no Child Labour and Forced Labour is used in production
    • Ensuring Good Working Conditions – providing a safe and healthy working environment, and good working hours and conditions
    • Providing Capacity Building – to develop the skills and capabilities of the producers
    • Promoting Fair Trade – through honest advertising and marketing techniques
    • Respect for the Environment – using production technologies that seek to reduce energy consumption

Tory budget defeat

Speaking at the Harrow council’s budget meeting on 27 February 2014, independent councillor Husain Akhtar said.
The last budget (Labour) was voted in because it showed some considerations for the borough’s profile emerging from the 2011 census, particularly in terms of the age groups and deprivation factor.
Since then because of the political mess created by some, now we have half baked budgets flying all over the place which have some good points and if put together, could result in best outcome for the residents of Harrow.
Some say and it is true that the Tory budget lacks new ideas because it is based on accumulating money from the perceived ‘unachievable savings’ and reallocating it to either vote grabbing activities or satisfying personal egos. Therefore, the four key components of their budget have several omissions:
For example:
    • under ‘Cleaner’ – no specific reference to setting and achieving carbon reduction targets
    • under ‘Safer’ – no specific reference to tackling prostitution – a well publicised attraction of Harrow
    • under ‘Fairer’ – no specific reference to improving and protecting Arts & cultural heritage of the borough
    • under ‘Effective organisation’ – no specific focus on the relationships with the regional and national governments despite Harrow’s frequent concerns about the allocation of grants etc – and of course ‘it is only the weak leaders who need a chief executive’
Overall, it a very irresponsible budget because it has no measureable commitment for a smooth financial transition to the next year when the council will be saving £25m.
As far as the budget amendments by the independent Labour group (ILG) are concerned, these are unachievable and therefore irrelevant because the group is very unlikely to be on the council after the May election.
On a vote, the Tory budget was miserably defeated. But during the recess granted by the mayor (member of ILG), Tory group made a deal and its significantly amended budget was voted in by the ILG vote.
Interesting that it was ILG vote last September that voted in the minority Tory administration!
Based on all this, a vote for ILG in May, would be a vote for Tories.