Thomas not a party expressing solidarity with migrants

refugeesSocialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs has recently signed a letter expressing solidarity with migrants, including refugees and asylum seekers, and affirming the moral and legal right for refugees to claim asylum in the UK.
The letter, signed by over 30 Labour MPs, articulates that it is often aggressive wars led by the UK and our allies that forces people to flee their homes and that this gives us a special responsibility to these people.
As expected the letter has not been signed by Harrow West Labour MP Gareth Thomas who actively supported Blair attack on Iraq that killed innocent people and damaged the country. He was also one of the  Labour MPs who voted for bombing in Syria , out of line with their then party leader Jeremy Corbyn, and  remained active in undermining Corbyn.
The letter says rather than treating these people with hostility, with threats to deploy military vessels to deter crossings, the UK should provide safe and legal routes to people seeking to claim asylum.
As usual, the government is playing ‘immigration’ card when chips are down.
Latest drive by the Conservative government is a blatant attempt to distract from their calamitous handling of Coronavirus, which is leading to economic turmoil that will devastate working people’s livelihoods, reminds the letter.
The work of the social campaign group is supported by many including the Socialist Campaign Group of Labour Councillors – the national convenor Brent councillor Jumbo Chan and a prominent  member Harrow councillor Pamela Fitzpatrick. The group believes acting as conduit for socialist values in local government.
Although the Labour ‘civil war’ under its present leadership is not that big in Harrow, the next Harrow elections would be quite interesting as many Labour voters associate the party with socialism, and could react to the in-party drive against the socialists and might not vote.