Significant GLA cuts, alerts Brent & Harrow assembly member

Budget pressures

“Covid-19 has had a huge impact on all parts of the economy, with potentially damaging consequences for London. By implication, the Mayor’s Budget has also been significantly affected, forcing the Greater London Authority (GLA) to make savings across the board” alerts Navin Shah, Brent and Harrow assembly member.
London mayor Sadiq Khan has warned that City Hall faces making up to £500m in cuts to public services if the government fails to provide financial support to local authorities.
The London Mayor has called upon central government to do the responsible thing and provide the urgent emergency funding needed to protect policing, fire and transport services, but this has not been forthcoming, Mr Shah shares his concern.
Further savings are possible by relocating the City Hall to the ‘Crystal’ building based at the Royal Docks. This is estimated to save £55 million over 5 years.
“As Chair of the London Assembly, I am working on a cross-party basis to scrutinise the proposals to relocate City Hall and have written to the Mayor and Chief Officer of the GLA on the back of concerns raised by Assembly Members at a recent Oversight Committee meeting” he informs.
Regarding  the government’s short-term ‘bailout’ of Traffic for London, forcing TfL to suspend free peak hours travel for over 60s and abolished free travel for under 18s, Mr Shah says he  has been working with Age UK, alongside other campaigners to oppose these punitive conditions.
In a money saving measure, London mayor has taken a 10% pay cut as he called for Boris Johnson to bail out local authorities facing funding shortfalls due to coronavirus.